Sunday, 1 September 2013

Groupon - Write Story Books for Children

A groupon for an online writing course came up.  The voucher only cost £12.  If I paid for the course in full it would normally cost £249.  That's a whopping £237 saving!

I've always wanted to do a writing course but what has put me off ins the past is the price and I'm unsure whether I would have the time.  Twelve pounds is a much easier amount to afford and not such a huge waste of money if I discover that it is not suitable for me.

The Write Story Books for Children online course had the following 12 modules:

  1. Introduction to writing children's story books
  2. Age groups and story types
  3. Choosing and developing your setting
  4. Developing credible characters
  5. Writing dialogue
  6. Plotting, storyline and theme
  7. Writing for the under sevens
  8. Writing for seven to twelve year olds
  9. Writing for teenagers
  10. Writing fantasy and science fiction
  11. Writing non-fiction
  12. Writing drama and screenplays

The course is very flexible.  You can start when you like and work at your own pace.  I'm hoping to find time to do at least one module a month.  The website is easy to log in and navigate.  You can even download an app for the iPad (if you have one).

Course Review - Only completed module 1 so far!
I wasn't sure what to expect when I gave module one a go.  It was much more in depth than I expected.  A lot of what I read were things I already knew.  Still, it was good to refresh my memory and build on my knowledge.

At the end of the module, I had to take a short multiple choice test.  I was disappointed that I only scored 80%.  It was still a pass but this is my passion so I had been striving for perfection.  However, I must admit I hadn't been making notes or taking it that seriously. I was just bumbling a long to get a feel for the course.  I will put more effort into the other units as I now realise that this isn't a flyby course.  I was able to review my wrong answers which was enlightening.

After passing the module, I was excited to progress onto the next module but decided it was best to wait until another day to dedicate more time to it.  Fingers crossed, if I do it properly I can achieve a perfect score next time.   In addition, as I've thought it over I have been compelled to re-read module one, more than once.  There is just so much information to think about.

There is also more reading resources available to students too that are separate from the course.  The wealth of information available on the site it extensive.

If you see a groupon for this course it is worth so much more than the cost.  The first module covered so much content that it alone was worth the money paid.  If someone was delivering that one module locally as one day course, I suspect they'd charge a lot more than £12.  I feel so lucky that I got this groupon.

The biggest challenge will be finding the time.  I've already learnt so much and can't wait to start module 2.  I am so pleased I treated myself to this course.


  1. Hello Ally, I am literally just about to start the course so decided to Google it and see what to expect - that's how I've ended up on your blog! I'm glad you commented on how in-depth it is (I was probably heading into the course a little lightly until you said so!) so my frame-of-mind is a little more serious now. I too think my biggest challenge will be finding the time; I'm hoping to study in two hour chunks at least three times a week. Thanks for the insight and hope it's going well for you!

    1. Hi Brendan, The course is going well but I had to take a break. I gave birth to my son in November so he kind of stole all my time but he is now in a good bed time routine so I can get back into it again. Crazy enough, I started another writing course this Wednesday but its an attended group. I will blog about that too as it has a different feel to this. This online course is great for its flexibility. I hope you enjoy it too.

    2. I too have bought this course but I find it patronising

  2. Hello Ally and Brendan,

    Now that you are both a little further down the track since you last wrote, is there anything you can add in the way of onformation about how you are getting on? I also am thinking of buying th Groupon deal for £12.

    1. I hope my comments above help but if you have anymore questions please let me know. I'd love to hear how you get on too.

  3. Hi Flo

    I've been a bit distracted as my son arrived on 14 Nov (first baby) so I've not been very distracted from my studies. However, I would highly recommend the course especially at that price.

    The beauty of the course is that you can study at your own pace so life's events (like having a baby) don't affect any deadlines. Once life calms down I can get back on with my assignments.

    The cost isn't much more than a good book but due to the assignments you can't just skim read. It forces you to really think about the points being made & re-evaluate your writing. Some of it you will already know but its good to refresh your knowledge.

    I'd say go for it if you are passionate about writing. It's convenient, resourceful and will make you think without stressing you out.

    Good luck x

  4. Also I don't think you'll find a course on fictional writing for children at a better price anywhere else.

  5. Hiya, where did you find this app as I can't seem to find it on the App Store.

    1. Hi Moosch. Groupon is an online shopping deals website. There is an app for most mobile devices (search for "Groupon"). Retailers advertise products or services at discount prices for a limited time or quantity. You then get a code (like a coupon) to use on the retailers website. Write Story Books for Children often advertise their £249 writing course for just £12 but you have to wait for it to become available. Try googling "Groupon Writing" and see if it comes up with the deal as being available. I just searched for you and it the deal was running in June, August, September, November 2013 and January 2014. I hope the deal comes up again for you. Keep your eye out for it. Good luck.

  6. Thanks, I'm already over half way through the first module and I love it!

  7. Hello! I was thinking of purchasing this for my daughter who is 11 years old. She has been writing stories since she was 6 yrs old. She has dreams of publishing a book. Do you think this course would be too difficult for her at this point in her life?
    Thank you!!
